Almost a Babydoll, 2000
A Girl, 2003
Fat Girl's Boyfriend, 2003
The Blessed Mother, 2003
Channel 7 Lady, 2004
Babydoll Boyfriend, 2005
Lady with Different Colored Lines , 2005
Pretty Babydoll, 2005
Spoon Up Her Nose, 2005
A Girl with Hand Lotion, 2006
Jailbirds Box, 2006
Lady Indian w/ Different Colored Lines , 2006
Maybel, 2006
Naked Jailbird with Long Hands, 2006
Naked Jailbirds On Beach Towels, 2006
Yellow Girl, 2006
Zig Zag Jailbird, 2006
Ghost Indian 2, 2007
Ghost Indian I, 2007
Purple Ring Blue Eye, 2007
Red Back, 2007
Untitled (Black and Blue Glow), 2007
All Different Kindsa Squares , 2008
All Different Ladeeda Colors , 2008
Bugs, 2008
Camel and His Friends , 2008
Diamond Shape, 2008
Ghost, Bat, Gun, 2008
Girl on the Ladder , 2008
Girl Putting Her Hands on Her Waist, 2008
Grey, Orange, Pink , 2008
Hearts and Some Kinda Animal , 2008
Horse, Rooster, Chicken, Pig, 2008
I Always Put All Different Colors , 2008
Now I Got My Hands Dirty, Now Look at That, 2008
Oh Yeah! Gold, 2008
Red Lips and Key lime Shirt , 2008
That's Just a Girl, Looking at Me Probably , 2008
That's Ridicable, 2008
That, That, That, and That's Light Blue , 2008
The Way She Draws , 2008
WXYZ, 2008
"Ghost", 2009
Arrow Shirt , 2009
Baby Dolls Wave Goodbye , 2009
Babydoll Quilt , 2009
Crazy Animal with Ears , 2009
Girl on Paper , 2009
Happy Guy, 2009
Photograph Girl, 2009
Shadows, 2009
Six Babydolls Made Outta Paper, 2009
Toys & Butons, 2009
3 Ladies , n.d.
8 Baby Dolls One, n.d.
8 Babydolls, n.d.
8 Babydolls One, n.d.
Angel, n.d.
Babydoll, n.d.
Babydoll 15, n.d.
Bikini Ladies, n.d.
Claudia , n.d.
Fur Coat , n.d.
Girl Standing , n.d.
Goldfish Jody, n.d.
Just 2 Boys , n.d.
Nancy, n.d.
Plan Naked Hands Down Here , n.d.
She's Cute , n.d.
The Melody , n.d.
Untitled , n.d.
Untitled (Baby Doll Tapestry), n.d.
Untitled (2006 Brown Dress Woman), n.d.
Untitled (Baby Doll Scroll), n.d.
Untitled (Baby Doll), n.d.
Untitled (Blue Eye Head), n.d.
Untitled (Blue Eye Lancome Woman), n.d.
Untitled (Elvis Book), n.d.
Untitled (Flower Collage) , n.d.
Untitled (Green, Yellow, Orange Baby Doll), n.d.
Untitled (Lottie Da), n.d.
Untitled (Michelle and Barack Obama), n.d.
Untitled (Odalisque) , n.d.
Untitled (Puzzle Collage), n.d.
Untitled (Red Hair, Blue Eyes, Blue Shirt, Woman), n.d.
Untitled (Sun esque) , n.d.
Untitled (Woman in Snake Print Heels), n.d.
Untitled (Woman with Leopard Print Coat) , n.d.
Untitled (Woman with Purple Bra), n.d.
Untitled (Woman with Purple Eyeshadow) , n.d.
Untitled Works (Magazine Girls Unfinished) , n.d.
Untitled Works (Magazine Women in Color) , n.d.
Untitled [Black Skull Swimsuit], n.d.
Untitled [Blonde Model, Photo trame 17], n.d.
Untitled [Blue Sunglasses Woman], n.d.
Untitled [Chair Works], n.d.
Untitled [Eyebrows on Model and Amanda Bynes], n.d.
Untitled [I fell in Love with a Collection of People], n.d.
Untitled [Makeup Case], n.d.
Untitled [Runway Model - Blue Sweatsuit], n.d.
Untitled [Sarah Jessica Parker], n.d.
Untitled [Stack of three women], n.d.
Untitled [Woman and baby], n.d.
Untitled [Woman in Pink Striped Bikini], n.d.
Yellow Stripe, n.d.